
There is a probability of above normal temperatures during polling phases, says Election Commission

EC issues list of dos and don’ts for voters; also directs provision of facilities at polling stations to prevent heat-related health issues 

Photo: @SpokespersonECI / X (Formerly Twitter)

The Election Commission of India (ECI) has stated that temperatures may be above normal during the various stages of polling leading up to June 4, when results are finally declared.

The election body has consequently issued a list of dos and don’ts for voters to follow so as to prevent heat-related health issues. It has also directed authorities at polling stations to provide Assured Minimum Facilities, including those to prevent heat strokes, dehydration and health conditions.

“I am directed to state that India Meteorological Department (IMD) has indicated the probability of above normal temperatures during forthcoming summer season, which may translate into stronger and longer spells of heatwave especially during months of March to June, 2024. In this regard, a copy of Do’s & Don’ts issued by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) regarding minimisation of Heat wave impact, is being forwarded herewith,” Vibhor Agrawal, under-secretary of the ECI said in a statement released on April 22.

“Further, a copy of Commission’s letter No. 464/INST-AMF/2022/EPS, dated 10 June, 2023, regarding Assured Minimum Facilities (AMF) and other facilities to be provided at the Polling Stations, is also being forwarded for strict compliance by all concerned,” the statement added.

Water and shade

AMFs, according to the ECI, are provided at polling stations for assistance and facilitations to voters to enable them to cast their votes on the day of the poll in a smooth, hassle­ free and convenient manner.

They also provide an enabling framework to the polling personnel to discharge their duty in an efficient manner.

The ECI’s statement lists water and shade among the AMFs that can prevent heat-related conditions.

“There should preferably be permanent arrangement of tap facility for drinking water. As an alternative, drinking water pots having sufficient capacity on the day of poll may be provided,” it noted.

The document added that sufficient number of environment-friendly disposable glasses may be made available for drinking water.

“Drinking water facility should be on self-service basis and wherever possible provision of volunteer/ daily wage-earner to serve water to the voters standing in the queue, may be made,” it stated.

The ECI also urged the chief electoral officers and district electoral officers to provide adequate shade at polling stations.

“Tented arrangement for shade with adequate size (minimum 15ft X15ft) canopy should be made available, as waiting area, at each Polling Station with sufficient chairs/benches preferably for ladies/ senior citizens/nursing mothers/differently abled voters and children accompanying them,” the ECI statement noted.

It added that during summer, every polling party shall be supplied with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) for their own use as well as for any voter needing the same due to heat-stroke.

“A hand-bill on ‘Dos and Don’ts’ in case of heat stroke may be prepared and supplied to each of the polling parties,” the statement said.

An appeal to the electors may be issued to carry wet towels to protect themselves against dehydration and also advise women electors to avoid bringing children along with them to polling stations during hot weather conditions, it concluded.

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