“Povo no Poder,” or “People in Power,” by the rap star Azagaia, has become the unofficial anthem of the protests over a...
In the finale of Wang Bing’s nonfiction trilogy, garment-factory workers return to their families and wrestle with the questions all young people...
Turkish officials said they had detained 15 members of the group. The two servicemen had returned to the ship and were safe,...
Youth participation at COPs has significantly increased, highlighting their mission for international solidarity and radical demand for cooperation to tackle climate issues...
Youth participation at COPs has significantly increased, highlighting their mission for international solidarity and radical demand for cooperation to tackle climate issues...
This happens because their capacity to react and adapt to extreme weather events is unequal Every year, agricultural income losses due to...
बलरामपुर। उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने शुक्रवार को कहा कि भाजपा इस संकल्प के साथ सत्ता में आई है कि...
प्रतिरूप फोटो @Udhaystalin युवा कल्याण विभाग का भी प्रभार संभालने वाले उदयनिधि ने इस बात की उम्मीद जताई कि केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री...
PM Modi first made the statement on November 30, 2023 during Opposition calls for nationwide caste census On December 25, 2023, Prime...
प्रतिरूप फोटो ANI Image विकसित भारत 2047 मिशन के तहत युवाओं को राष्ट्रीय कार्यक्रमों, प्राथमिकताओं और लक्ष्य निर्धारण में शामिल करना मूल...
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