The leader of the Taliban has not been known to leave the country, so if the warrants are issued, chances are slim...
In a corner, Mr. Ghazi had piled heavy chunks of rock bearing thick blue veins of lapis lazuli, a semiprecious stone. Much...
Trump blamed Biden. Biden blamed the Afghan military. Our investigation found that the U.S. unwittingly laid the groundwork for the Taliban’s victory...
Funding its war against the United States, the Taliban reaped millions from boom towns trading opium, heroin and meth. Victorious, the group...
Mullah Osman Jawhari led one of the deadliest assaults on American forces in Afghanistan, a battle that came to symbolize the war...
Taliban officials have scored a series of diplomatic victories this year that have started a subtle shift toward normalizing their government. Source...
Three years into its rule, the movement has codified its harsh Islamic decrees into law that now includes a ban on women’s...
Celebrations marking the third year since the U.S. withdrawal are amplifying a divide in Afghanistan over what principles it should be governed...
Image Source : FILE PHOTO प्रतीकात्मक तस्वीर यूपी के मिर्जापुर में मोबाइल चोरी के आरोप में एक युवक को पेड़ से उल्टा...
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