At a meeting of emerging economies, Vladimir Putin positioned himself as a respected and powerful leader, ignoring the condemnation he receives from...
Nima Rinji Sherpa’s achievement highlights the role of Sherpas in an activity where they shoulder much of the risk but receive little...
The president will join the leaders of Australia, India and Japan to announce a new initiative for reducing cervical cancer in the...
Plus, the U.S. says Russia is struggling in Ukraine. Source link The post Wednesday Briefing: NATO Summit Begins first appeared on JARA...
The specter of a second Donald J. Trump presidency injects new urgency into the NATO summit this week. President Biden and other...
KAZA Summit underway in Zambia Members states of the world’s largest transnational conservation initiative meet to review progress and strategise way forward...
Members states of the world’s largest transnational conservation initiative met to review progress and strategise way forward KAZA Summit underway in Zambia...
Members states of the world’s largest transnational conservation initiative meet to review progress and strategise way forward Photo credit: Cyril Zenda More...
Each year, more than 600,000 people in Africa die prematurely from respiratory diseases triggered by dirty cooking practices International Energy Agency summit...
The leaders acknowledged that the recent global fertiliser crisis has disproportionately affected Africa African presidents have endorsed the Nairobi Declaration on fertiliser...
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