The series, based on a 1999 plane hijacking, prompted backlash on social media. Critics claimed it wrongly portrayed the Islamist hijackers as...
The partial lifting of a communications blackout is providing a picture of the young victims of a brutal crackdown on protesters. Thousands...
Wild African elephants address each other with name-like calls, scientists have discovered. Some other species of the animal kingdom such as dolphins...
Wild African elephants address each other with name-like calls, scientists have discovered. Some other species of the animal kingdom such as dolphins...
Swedish skincare, beauty, and wellbeing brand has named Edyta Kurek as its first female head in India. As senior vice president and...
Under Armour has announced the appointment of Yuron White to the role of SVP, sportswear, run, basketball/Curry and collaborations, effective April 29. Yuron...
These are the stories making headlines in fashion on Tuesday. Balmain names new CEOEffective May 6, Balmain’s new CEO will be Matteo Sgarbossa,...
These are the stories making headlines in fashion on Friday. Celine names Danielle of New Jeans newest global ambassadorCeline has tapped Danielle...
Image Source : GETTY भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम भारत में IPL 2024 की तैयारियां की जा रही है। इसी बीच बीसीसीआई में सेलेक्टर...
Tresemme, a hair care brand by Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) has signed Bollywood actor Ananya Panday as its brand ambassador for the...
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