The trip by President William Ruto of Kenya came against a bleak backdrop in Haiti, where gangs operate with impunity and the...
After at least 10 sacks with body parts were found in a dump, a suspect was said to admit to 42 murders....
One activist was taken while organizing a blood drive for wounded protesters. Another said he was snatched as he worked at home...
Partnership aims to harness space technology for sustainable development, accurate early warning systems for rural farmers and addressing food security India has...
Partnership aims to harness space technology for sustainable development, accurate early warning systems for rural farmers and addressing food security Indian...
A dam in the village of Kamuchiri in southern Kenya burst on April 29, killing 45 people Photo shared by Deputy President...
The cyclone, a rare occurence in the latitude range it struck, also destroyed several school buildings in Kenya and disrupted electricity, water...
A dam in the village of Kamuchiri in southern Kenya burst on April 29, killing 45 people Photo shared by Deputy President...
Health situation regarding possible or impending waterborne disease outbreaks could be worse across East Africa region Kenya has confirmed 44 cases of...
The leaders acknowledged that the recent global fertiliser crisis has disproportionately affected Africa African presidents have endorsed the Nairobi Declaration on fertiliser...
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