The sentencing of Dong Yuyu, a former Harvard Nieman fellow, signals that officials consider some exchanges between Chinese citizens and foreigners to...
Dong Yuyu, who has written articles critical of the Communist Party, was arrested in 2022 while having lunch with a Japanese diplomat....
Mech Dara spent three weeks in detention after he was charged for posts he made online. He still faces a charge of...
The memoir, which will cover his time in prison and Russia’s move toward autocracy, will be published by Crown, an imprint of...
The charge of incitement came after the United States punished a tycoon for what it said was his role in the scam...
Videos of Prawit Wongsuwan, a former deputy prime minister, hitting a female reporter in the head prompted angry demands for an investigation...
किसी एंप्लॉयीज के लिए छंटनी सबसे कठिन दौर में से एक होता है। हालांकि कभी-कभी ऐसा भी होता है कि कुछ एंप्लॉयीज...
प्रतिरूप फोटो @paranjoygt वर्ष 1979 में ‘लिंक मैगजीन’ के साथ एक पत्रकार के रूप में अपना करियर शुरू करने वाले आगा के...
प्रतिरूप फोटो official X account प्रधान न्यायाधीश डी वाई चंद्रचूड़ की पीठ ने पत्रकार की ओर से पेश हुए वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ता सिद्धार्थ...
Jayanti Buruda has trained Malkangiri tribal women in journalistic practices such as writing scripts, preparing field reports, and shooting and editing videos...
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