The mixed martial arts fighter known as “Notorious” was ordered to pay the equivalent of $257,000 to a woman who said he...
Dawn Michelle Hunt, who is serving a life sentence, says she was duped into carrying drugs. Her family says she is seriously...
Formal urban planning must not be reduced to a mere water utilities sectoral planning and forecasting approach This article is the second...
Mashal Sports, the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) organizers, have announced that the Pro Kabaddi League season 10 playoffs and final will be...
Image Source : PTI सीट शेयरिंग को लेकर मंथन जारी। नई दिल्ली: इंडिया गठबंधन के बीच सीट शेयरिंग को लेकर मंथन शुरू...
Experts slam final text as weak, inadequate, with loopholes, and not in accordance with science; hail historical first entry of agenda in COP decision ...
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